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What is a Sea Shanty?

A sea shanty can be a traditional work song sung by sailors or a modern song about the sea. Sea shanties have either response lines, repeated lines, or choruses. Some have all three. They are interactive songs that encourage audience participation.


The song leader, traditionally called the Shanty man, sings the verse or the call. Everyone else joins in for the response, repeated lines, and or chorus.

You can now access the Budd Bay Shanty Singers song list. Click on the link below. It will take you to a list of songs that we commonly sing. 


Because we've had some issues with folks having trouble accessing the Google Docs, we are currently in the process of moving our songs to this website. Rigging it all takes time and we are just beginning to get all of the songs transferred. You can now access the Master Song List Page by clicking on the button below. Still many more songs to add! Thanks for your patience.

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