Marching Inland
Lord Nelson knew the perfect way to cure your malgam-aire
And if you pav attention, his secret I will share
To anv seasick sailoråe gives this advise for free
If vou-re feeling seasick. sit underneath a tree
I'm marching inland from the shore
Over me shoulder I'm carrying an oar
When someone asks me "What is that funny thing you've got?"
Then I'll know I'll never go to sea no more, no more
Then I'll know I'll never go to sea no more.
Columbus he set sail to find out if the world was round
He set out sailing Westward until he ran a-ground
He thought he'd reached the Indies but he reached the USA
We know some navigators who can still do that today
Now Drake is in his hammock and a thousand miles away
Rendell's Revenge is at the bottom of the bay
Many the famous sailor never came back from the sea
Just takemy adviseyJack,come & follow me-
So sailors take the warning from the men of high renown
When you're sailin's over and you want to settle down
Never drop your anchor less than 90 miles from shore
Or there'll always be temptation to be off to sea once more.